Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I am not sure what people know..

on thursday 2/9/2011 Our cat junior mint came in for the night look sluggish. He wasnt moving much, and he threw up. We assume we had eating somesthing bad, and let him sleep out the night. Friday night he continued the same and we fouund a woud on him.

Saturday morning 2/12/2011, we found out junior mint was shot by some kind of bullet.someone in our neighborhood shot our cat......
he went through major surgury. they removed 8in of intestine. and flushed him out from infection 5 times.

sunday we visited, he seemed okay, but was drinking, and still on iv fluid.

monday, chelsey visited, he showed good symptoms, loved me. seemed happy.

tuesday morning, junior mint passed away

This is very blunt and to the point.. but he is our first born son.. and we are a mess..

we loved him and we're not sure what to do.


Jarom and Melissa said...

So sorry to hear about your cat. I truly don't understand people sometimes. That's terrible, and we are thinking of you guys during this hard time.

Randy said...

I feel so bad for you guys! How terrible. Thinking about you both...

Allie Thornbrue said...

Good gracious! What were those people thinking?! I am so sorry. Hugs to you guys.

Allie Thornbrue said...

You guys should post some pictures of Junior Mint as a memorial.