Monday, January 31, 2011

Up Date

So im back in school again. Night classes this time. But they should all be easy, so we will see how it goes.

Been working 6 days a week for the last 2 months. Finally putting a stop to it.

got to go up riding finally because i wasn't working up yesterday.

Here is the recap of that. You can see Chelsey a few times. Shes getting good at this snowboarding thing.


Thursday, January 13, 2011


well its always busy around winter time. and sense i work on the internest i seem to enjoy being on it less and less on my free time. Simple solution. just do it at work while i get paid.

Anyways.. Not much new to report.

Got a GoPro for Christmas(which I love) so i will be making more and more vids as time goes on. heres the first one. I had a friend from Washington fly out for my birthday and we did some hiking in tahoe.

just one little run.

Out of bounds at Homeood with Migs. from Levi Guthrie on Vimeo.

We hiked out of bounds at homewood. First GoPro vid... EVER!!

and then for Staci, here are some other pictures i took. Im trying to save up for a D60.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I know I know.. we never post. Christmas and New years have been busy, and fun. We've been trying to get back on track for going back to work and school.
The reason for this post is that I, Chelsey, have started a blog. This blog is primarily about my life as a teacher, and will prob have very little pictures, but lots of funny stories, plus lots of complaining about the difficulties I have to deal with.

Feel free to read if you are interested :)