Sunday, May 23, 2010

Once again

Once again it has been a while. I don't have pictures to show, just news to report. I am not sure if all of you have heard, but since April 6th, I have been teaching. I am basically a "long term sub" but I have my own classroom! Its been very over whelming, but I have learned so much! I have 17 students, from grades 6-8, and its a special day class. My kids are so much fun, and we are having a great time! The great news that I just received is that I actually got the job for next year! I applied for the position, and they've decided to hire me. So next year I will actually be a real teacher! It is very exciting. It was a perfect thing to happen right before summer, right before my birthday and right before I am done with school (one more class this wednesday and then I am completely done)

Levi is getting totally into photography, and he's learning a lot! Look forward to some beautiful pictures by him!

I am not sure what else is new. The pups are wonderful, and Levi installed a ceiling fan for the first time ever today! and it works great :)