Thursday, August 26, 2010

Although these are really bad quality pictures. I took them the other night on my cell phone while my school had back to school night. I only had 4 parents show up, so needless to say I was bored. haha. I know it could be prettier, but with special education, we try and keep the wall distractions to a minimum and since its middle school, we try not to make it to babyish.


scooping it up said...

oooh, I like the background on the blog. Glad school is going so well. Wanna come live with me? I have three kids who need Early Intervention. We could use someone like you around. Your classroom looks great.

Randy said...

How sad that the parents don't think there is a reason to meet the teacher and ask questions! How exciting to be the Queen of your own domain though.


Jarom and Melissa said...

Your classroom looks good. Good luck with teaching!

Leah said...

Your classroom looks neat, clean and organized. I'm shocked that so few parents showed up.

Allie Thornbrue said...

Lucky you. I never had my own classroom; I had to use another teachers's.

Rabecca said...

Hey guys. Just staying in touch. Sorry that so few parents showed up. I love to see my kids classrooms and who their teachers are.