Wednesday, August 27, 2008

more from the underwater.

These are more from the cheap little underwater diposables. I took these and many more but here are some good ones.

oh and that sea turtle was just there went i first jumped in. i ran into one 2 days before at our beach.

We were only about 50- 100 feet off shore. and the cool thing is that this is almost how it is every were you go. These were in about 16 feet of water.

these sharks were bigger then me.


Allie Thornbrue said...

Snorkeling (sp?) was my favorite activity on our honeymood cruise. Cool pictures and cool animal life. We never saw anything that exciting.

Great update! I wondered where you guys disappeared.

Randy said...

Cool beans! Mom and I will be on Kaui (sp). I signed us up for a sailing/snorkling adventure, and a kayak/hike to waterfall adventure. Your pictures are amazing and we're stoked!!!


Unknown said...

yeah.. thats pretty much the best things to do. Thats what we did. if you can spare it though, you should go to a luau. we went to one and it was a blast and the food was really good.

scooping it up said...

You look buff, and I am jealous. I love Hawaii.

Grandma Pearl said...

Chelsey and Levi,
Wow!!! Your photos were great. I love the water but not as muh as you two. I get nervous when the water is over my head but I love seeing other people enjoying it. I guess being young is to your advantage. I'm glad you got to go and wish your grandpa John thought going tot Hawaii would be fun. He'd rather go somewhere in Mexico.
Love you two, write when you can.
Grandma Pearl

Grandma Jane said...

Just came looking for a picture of Zoe in her halloween costume and wanted to see the new wheels! Snorkeling was so fantastic in Hawaii. Let's go back together!?