Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wow, two in one day

Since, Levi and I are actually having a relaxing saturday for once, without a billion errands to run, I decided to post again.

Levi would never let me live it down if I didn't post pictures of the snow we got two weeks ago.

I actually had two snow days off from school, (amazing!) and Levi couldn't even get his car out of our street.


Grandma Jane said...

The pic of Levi on deck is amazing. I could not belive it was snow. Looked like bright beautiful stars.

Randy said...

I am so jealous! We haven't have a barely a flake since Thanksgiving (at least here in town). Miss you guys!


Allie Thornbrue said...

I saw the video Jarom posted of Levi shaving his beard. I think the sink full of hair was the most disgusting thing I'v ever seen!

At least he is kissable now, right, Chelsey?

Grandma Pearl said...

When I see the snow I get a little homesick but not of the cold. Just the fun things you can do with snow and your snowman was darling.
Can you believe last year they had a "snow day" in St.George? It was funny but everyone loved it except when they had to make it up at the end of the school year.