Sunday, March 9, 2008

Im sorry

Im sorry we have been lazy. To be honest, both Levi and I have phones which we can use the internet on, so we hardly ever go on the computers anymore (sadd  I know) 
But, i have pictures from the past couple of months! yay!

Okay. so i lied. I tried to update the pictures 3 times and it gave me "error: try again in 30 seconds" 
So instead, i'll update you guys verbally. We had a nice valentines day. I actually had taken wednesday and thursday off of work so i could go to kirkwood (a ski resort) and work a snowboard demo with Levi. It was really  really really cold and windy, and we were miserable. But they ended up ending the show early on thursday, so we got home early and made a nice dinner together (insert food picture here later) 

Two of our friends have had birthdays recently, so on Friday we took our married friends Jenn and Brody bowling. It was awesome mostly because i won TWICE!!! (amazing i know) and past 100 both times! yahoo! 

Yesterday, we actually were driving back to Jenn and Brody's where we saw a minpin (which is a miniature doberman pincher) Running across highway 80 (which is like 6 lanes of major freeway) we pulled over and were luckily able to save the dog who was running across the freeway with his lease still attached. We couldnt get a hold of the people, so we thought we might be getting a dog! haha, but Jenn and Brody stopped by the ladies house around 9 and she was there, and hadnt even noticed her dog was gone! 

We also are moving may 1st. WE are super excited, and we found a duplex right next door to jenn and brody that we are trying to snag. We went and looked at it and really liked it, we just have to wait until the begining of april and hope its not taken! 


Randy said...

Way to support Levi's snowboard aspirations! Do either of you get any free stuff? You guys are such animal lovers...I'm not sure I would have stopped.

Grandma Jane said...

Hi Guys, this Jane the MOM sneaking in on Seth's computer time. He is eating a bowl of ice cream and should not be hovering over the key board! He claims he was leaning back. So GREAT to hear from you two! That apartment sounds fantastic. By the way Randy would NOT have stopped for an animal. I wish I could help you with the picture posting, please don't give up!

Allie Thornbrue said...

Moving? Fun. I love change because it keeps life interesting.